
U.G.クリシュナムルティ「悟りの神秘」:U.G.クリシュナムルティ - Livedoor Blog(ブログ)

U.G. endlessly repeats: "I have no message for mankind." Yet, ironically, thousands of people the world-over feel otherwise and flock to U.G.'s unique brand of discourse. But that isn't easy because U.G. organizes no gatherings, gives no lectures, offers no courses, pushes no method, peddles no mantras, has no organization, no office, no secretary, no telephone number, no fax and no fixed address. Like his growing legend, U.G. is everywhere and nowhere. He stays with friends or in small rented apartments and tries to stay one step ahead of the crowds who try to discover his whereabouts as soon as the word spreads that "U.G.'s in town" -- be it in San Francisco, New York, London, Bombay, Bangalore, Sydney, Auckland, or Beijing. U.G. has no worldly belongings other than what he can fit into a small 10 lb. suitcase. He dresses simply and looks quite ordinary. He never stays in one place for more than two months. He is like the Howard Hughes of the guru set: enigmatic, brilliant, charismatic, reclusive and publicity-shy.
は集会を開かないし、レクチャーも行わない、コースもない、メソッドもない、マントラを広めることもしない、組織、オフィス、秘書、電話番号、ファックス、決まった住所すら持たない。成長する伝説の様に、U.G.はあらゆる所にいて、どこにもいません。彼は友人の家か、小さな賃貸アパートに滞在している。「U.G.が町にいる。」という噂が広まるとすぐに彼の居場所を探そうとする人々の群れより一足先に滞在する。−サンフランシス コ、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、ボンベイ、バンガロール、シドニー、オークランド、北京。U.G.は、彼の小さな10ポンドのスーツ ケースにちょうど収まるもの以外の世俗的な所有物は持っていません。彼の服装はシンプルで、全く普通に見えます。彼は1つの場所に2ヵ月以上は決して留まりません。彼は、謎に満ちて、神々しく、カリスマがあり、孤独で、公の場には出てこないという、グルらしいハワード・ヒューズのようです。

Never has a `philosopher' become so famous while emphatically denying that he even has a philosophy. Yet, what makes a man who so avidly shuns publicity so talked about? How does one who never gives a public lecture get such a following? How does a "guru" with no organization get such media attention? U.G.

is India's most controversial teacher and categorizing him is extremely difficult. He has been called "the anti-guru", "the un-guru", the "seer with no solutions", "the raging sage", "the thinker who shuns thought" and "the anti-Krishnamurti", referring to his namesake, J. Krishnamurti, U.G.'s better known contemporary with whom he shares no family tie.
彼は哲学を持つということすら、徹底的に否定しているのに、その『哲学者』が有名になることは決してないでしょう。その上、とても話題になった評判を明らかに避ける人は、何がそうさせるのか?公開講座を決して開かない人が、どのようにして支持者を得ることができますか?そのようなメディアの注意を惹くための組織を持たずに、どのように「導師」としてやっていくのですか?U.G.はインドの最も論争の的となる指導者で、彼を分類することは非常に困難だ。彼は「反導師」、「非導師」、 「解決のない予言者」、「激しい賢人」、「思考を避ける思考家」、「反クリシュナムルティ」と呼ばれました。クリシュナムルティとは、彼と同名ですが血縁関係はなく、U.G.より有名な同時代の人、J.クリシュナムルティのことですが。


If any comparison makes sense, U.G. could be likened to a modern day cross between Socrates and Diogenes. However, he differs from the former because he undercuts the cornerstone of the Socratic method: discourse. U.G. isn't out to convince, convert, win over or influence anyone; and he differs from the latter because nothing in his manner or bearing is provocative or outlandish. However, he is similar to Socrates in that he has a disarming and implacable logic, and akin to Diogenes because he shows no deference to money, power, position, or prestige. In a very real sense, U.G. is a unique witness to that elusive wisdom that has been the hallmark of every great mystic who has ever lived.

And like a mirror, he is a fascinating witness to our era as well.

--Anthony Nahas

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